
Digital Sculpture Project: Mission

3D digital modeling often encounters a barrier when confronted with the kind of complex geometry that characterizes most sculpture. Through its Digital Sculpture Project, the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory is pioneering new solutions and applications in this important but neglected area of the digital humanities.

This website is devoted to studying ways in which 3D digital technologies can be applied to the capture, representation and interpretation of sculpture from all periods and cultures. Up to now, 3D technologies have been used in fruitful ways to represent geometrically simple artifacts such as pottery or larger-scale structures such as buildings and entire cities. With some notable exceptions, sculpture has been neglected by digital humanists. The Digital Sculpture Project will fill this gap by focusing on the following issues:

Copyright © 2009-10. Last updated: June 1, 2010.

The Digital Sculpture Project is an activity of the Virtual World Heritage Laboratory.