"Tormented Psyche" Niobid Inv. 1914 n. 305


Title/Name: "Tormented Psyche" Niobid

Inventory: Inv. 1914 n. 305

Mansuelli: I.84


Format: Statue

Artist: Unknown, Greek original attributed to Scopas

Date: Roman copy, Greek original attributed to 4th century BCE

Materials: Marble

Inscription: n/a

Dimensions: W 0.79; L 0.46m


Camera: Nikon D810 with Nikkor 24-85mm F/2.4-4 lens, Canon EOS M5 with Canon EF-M 11-22mm lens

Photographer: Whitney Johnson

Reconstruction Software: RealityCapture, ZBrush

Modeler: Whitney Johnson

Studi e Restauri Publication: n/a

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